Great Stories Club

Frequently Asked Questions

Are non-library organizations eligible to apply for the Great Stories Club?

No. However, institutions without a library that provide services to troubled teen populations are encouraged to contact their local library and create a partnering relationship with the library as the applicant.

If my library received a Great Stories Club grant for the “Media” theme, may we apply again for future themes?

Yes! However, please note that your final report for the “Media” series must be received before you are eligible to apply for another GSC grant. Also, if you have hosted a Great Stories Club program at your library before, you may wish to mention this in your narrative.

Is attendance at the orientation session required?

Yes. The library project director named in your application must attend the November 16, 2015, orientation session in Chicago. Travel and lodging costs will be covered by ALA.

Must libraries give the Great Stories Club books away to teens?

Yes. The library may keep up to one copy of each title for the library collection, and provide up to one copy for the discussion leader. All other Great Stories Club books must be gifted to program participants to keep as their own. If you cannot fulfill this program requirement, please contact Lainie Castle at 312-280-5055 to discuss options for meeting the grant terms.

How were the books chosen?

The Great Stories Club core reading lists were selected by the humanities scholars who serve as GSC project advisors. Programming librarian advisors and ALA staff also advised during the selection process. GSC librarian advisors developed the GSC supplemental reading lists.

Will ALA substitute other books that are not on the Great Stories Club “Media” reading list at our request?

No. If your organization is unable to work with one of the titles on the Great Stories Club reading list, you will need to purchase an alternate, theme-related title at the library’s expense. The title must be approved by ALA in advance of application submission. Please email Brian Russell at if you are exploring this option.

Will only successful applicants receive notification about the outcome of the application?

No. All applicants will be notified by ALA, regardless of the outcome of their applications. Libraries will be notified via e-mail by September 30, 2015. If your library has not received notification by the stated date, please contact ALA at 312-280-5045 or

To access the application system, sign in with your profile.