The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) is the ALA membership division that represents state library agencies, specialized library agencies, multi-type library cooperatives, and independent librarians. Specialized library agencies are those organizations that provide materials and services to meet the information needs of persons whose access to library services and materials is limited because of confinement, sensory, mental, physical, health, or behavioral conditions. As a type-of-library division, ASCLA is empowered by the ALA Council to establish standards of service for libraries in correctional institutions. Formerly part of the Libraries Serving Special Populations Section (LSSPS), two interest groups are currently active:
ASCLA’s Library Services to the Incarcerated and Detained: The purpose of this interest group is to support those who serve patrons of any age who are held in jail, prison, detention or immigration facility.
ASCLA’s Library Services for Youth in Custody: The purpose of this Interest Group is to advocate, promote, and improve library services for youth who have been detained in correctional facilities of various kinds.
Library Services for Youth in Custody (LSYC): LSYC is an organization serving the needs of and advocating for those who provide library services for youth in custody, which would include, at the least, incarcerated/detained/committed youth in both juvenile & adult settings in municipal, county, local, state, or federal settings, including ICE detention centers and youth in secure mental health or rehab settings, and might also include at-risk youth in other forms of group-home or government custody. To become a General Member, all you need do is fill out the membership form at LSYC does charge any fees or dues at this time.
Prisoners’ Right to Read, from the Intellectual Freedom Manual, 8th Edition: The American Library Association asserts a compelling public interest in the preservation of intellectual freedom for individuals of any age held in jails, prisons, detention facilities, juvenile facilities, immigration facilities, prison work camps and segregated units within any facility. Read more…
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