Great Stories Club

Apply now for the American Library Association's Great Stories Club Series on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT)

ALA's Great Stories Club is a thematic reading and discussion program that engages underserved teens through literature-based library outreach programs.

An expansion of ALA's longstanding Great Stories Club program model, the TRHT series will feature books that explore questions of race, equity, identity, and history, and support racial healing sessions with participating libraries, their community partners, and their teen readers.

Applications will be accepted from Sept. 5—Nov. 16, 2018. Up to 70 libraries will be selected.

Participating libraries will work with small groups of approximately 10 teens; provide up to four theme-related books for each participant to keep as their own; convene opportunities for exploration and discussion of relevant humanities content among peers; and offer at least one interactive session for program conveners and participants led by a racial healing practitioner(s).

Applicants may choose to apply for one of the following themes: "Deeper Than Our Skins: The Present is a Conversation with the Past" and "Finding Your Voice."

Grantee benefits include 11 paperback copies of up to four books on the reading list; a programming grant of up to $1,200; travel and accommodation expenses paid for attendance at a two-day orientation workshop in Chicago; and additional resources, training, and support from ALA's Public Programs Office.

For More Information

To be notified about upcoming Great Stories Club offerings, sign up for ALA's Programming Librarian e-newsletter.

To learn more about ALA's Great Stories Club collaboration with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, including a list of TRHT Great Stories Club advisors and pilot libraries, visit Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Great Stories Club on

All libraries are encouraged to use reading lists, discussion questions, and other resources from previous Great Stories Club themes. All materials are free. To view them, visit our Resources page.

Questions? Contact ALA's Public Programs Office at

To access the application system, sign in with your profile.