LTC: Models for Change

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. May I preview the travel stipend application before completing it?

A. Yes. You may download a PDF of the application for reference; the application process is also covered in detail in Section V of the award guidelines.

Q. Are there any costs associated with signing up for a webinar or the in-person workshop?

A. No, the Libraries Transforming Communities: Models for Change webinars and the in-person workshop are free of charge.

Q. Are there prerequisites for the in-person workshop?

A. Yes. Libraries Transforming Communities: Models for Change is a cumulative learning series. Library professionals interested in applying for the award and attending the in-person workshop are required to view the three corresponding webinars prior to participation in the in-person workshop.

Q. Will ALA offer continuing education units (CEU) for these trainings?

A. No. ALA's Public Programs Office is unable to offer CEUs for attendance of the online or in-person learning opportunities.

Q. I am interested in this award, but cannot attend the live webinar sessions. Is there a way to watch them after the live session?

A. Yes. Each of the webinars will be recorded and made available for free viewing shortly after the live session concludes.

Q. Will the in-person workshop be recorded?

A. No. The in-person workshop is an in-depth and hands-on preconference session that requires a high level of collaboration between attendees, so it is not conducive to recording.

Q. How many travel stipends are available?

A. Twenty-five travel stipends will be awarded to public library workers serving small and/or rural communities.

Q. What do you mean by a rural and/or small community?

A. The Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) defines a rural community as one that is more than, or equal to, five miles from an urbanized area and a small community to be libraries with a legal service area population of 25,000 or less.

Q. Are the travel stipends awarded to the individual or library?

A. Travel stipends will be awarded to the library to send the selected staff member to ALA's 2018 Annual Conference to participate in the in-person training.

Q. Do I need to register for ALA's Annual Conference in order to attend?

A. Full registration for ALA's Annual Conference is optional. Awarded sites will be given the option of purchasing a full conference registration at a discounted rate of $100 or accepting a free exhibits-only pass.

Q. How much will my library receive if we are awarded a travel stipend?

A. Each travel stipend is $800 to support travel costs to attend the LTC: Models for Change in-person pre-conference workshop at ALA's 2018 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Q. How will the winners of the travel stipend be selected?

A. Travel stipends will be awarded through a competitive, peer-reviewed application process.

Q. The travel stipend will not cover the entire cost of my travel and lodging for ALA's 2018 Annual Conference. Can I apply for a larger award?

A. ALA's Public Programs Office will not be offering travel stipends larger than $800 for this project. Costs of travel and lodging exceeding the awarded amount are the responsibility of the library.

Q. Can multiple library workers from the same library receive a travel stipend?

A. No. Due to the limited number of workshop space and awards available, travel stipends will not be distributed for more than one library worker from the same institution.

Q. I'm from tribal library in a small and/or rural community. Am I eligible to apply?

A. Yes. Tribal libraries that serve small and/or rural communities are eligible to apply.

Q. I'm not from a public library that serves a small and/or rural community. Can I apply for the travel stipend to attend the in-person workshop for Series 3?

A. No. The travel stipend is only available for public libraries serving small and/or rural communities.

Q. I'm from an academic library serving a small and/or rural community. Am I eligible for this opportunity?

A. No. Only public libraries serving small and/or rural communities are eligible to apply.

To access the application system, sign in with your profile.